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5 Tips For Teaching Your Toddler How To Share

Teaching our little ones about sharing things with their peer group and siblings is an important skill for their overall development. Learning to collaborate, being kind and helping others is very important part of their growth, which helps developing social awareness.Young children can find it tough to accept letting their sibling borrow an item they value. Children do not understand this concept as for them it is “Me n Myself’ in their own little world. Following are some great ideas to teach children pivotal concept of sharing and also they are very effective.

Medhaam Preschool and Daycare in Gurgaon provides your child great opportunities and encouragesthe concept of sharing through various classroom activities. Generally 3 year olds know how to share and take turns, but they are still growing emotionally and may find it challenging to give up their possessions. Continuous encouragement always promotes sharing and caring. 
1. Model Generosity
The best way for children to learn to share is to watch others share. Do not hesitate to share your cake with them or allow them to try on your hat.
Let them see that you are also generous with others. Your child can learn to share by modeling your behavior in these low-stress situations.
2. Discuss it together
When you talk through things with your child, they will learn that sharing doesn't have to be disastrous. You can begin talking about sharing when there is plenty to share. Continue pointing out the benefits of sharing to your child to encourage them to do so. As an example, you can emphasize that sharing their ball allows them to play catch with a friend.
However, don't expect everything to go smoothly. Perhaps your child's friend is holding back the ball.
It is important to understand your friends' feelings whenever you find yourself in such a situation. "Aarav can choose whether to play with the ball or not. I’m going to try to find something else to do.”
Remember that communication works best when it is two-sided, so don't forget to let your child express themselves as well. There is a possibility that they are not able to fully express themselves at the moment. If that doesn't work, just say, “You're disappointed.”
You must also show your child you understand and recognize their feelings at the right time. However, we encourage you to discuss things through For instance, if your child is having a fight with another child over a toy and emotions flare, you should remove your child from the situation. Once they have both calmed down, you can speak to them about sharing again.
3. Apply positive reinforcement to the situation
If you would like your child to continue sharing, you can reward him or her with a treat. As an example, “It was so nice of you to share your toy today with your friend.” Positive reinforcement is an effective way to motivate children. It is also courteous to praise your child's friend for sharing with you.
4. Encourage Problem-Solving
A child who holds onto their favorite toy may not see the point in sharing it with a friend. Taking turns and setting a timer can help you encourage them to share. Children can generate their solutions when given ways to solve a problem. Even with lots of encouragement, sometimes kids can't share toys. When this happens, let your child choose which toys to share.
5. Let's Have Fun
Teaching kids sharing shouldn't have to be boring or involve a lot of lectures. Simple and fun things you can do to get them sharing.
As an example, you might like to take turns assembling a jigsaw puzzle, watering a few plants, or even unpacking shopping bags. Sharing teaches children the joy of sharing.
Above are some tips from Medhaam daycare center in Gurgaon that parents can use at home to teach their kids to share. We believe that inculcating values at early age is extremely important. The Medhaam Family comprises of Uncle Zeki and his six nieces and cousins each representing a different value. Our Mascot Adiva represents caring and sharing, during the Adiva value month, this value is reinforced with the help of various activities and stories. 
Following are some links which can help you to teach sharing:



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